Let's start the New Year off, shall we? You know it! It's resolution time!
And since this brainstorming we'll start out with some from the top of the our heads...
1) Keep room clean as it is embarrassing and too much effort to immediately jump from the threshold to the bed in one go. This also means you have to refrain from hoarding, like keeping those cool calendars from 2007 when you were obsessed with The Office.
2) Lay off all the shopping, while it may be cathartic to go out there and find an ugly sundress your grandmother wouldn't wear to create something beautiful the likes of Maria from The Sound of Music would be jealous of, you're pretty much all talk. You never sew.
3) Stop talking to yourself aloud, it freaks customers out and your boss.
4) Eat more vegetables that aren't tempura-ed. Find out how other people eat vegetables. I think it's through steaming.
5) Wear comfortable shoes while working as you have bunyuns and treat your feet poorly, as if they're on the bottom of the body--wait. Yes they are, but treat them nicely.
6) Be more active in your school work and actual future, telling yourself that everything's going to be okay as you worry over your livelihood with other friends works but doing something is better.
7) Stop caring what people think. This is a big problem for you as you're always thinking that they notice you. This comes from a selfish desire that someone is paying attention to your awesomeness, when in reality, they aren't. Take awkward, contradictory comfort in that.
8) Learn to cook more Filipino food. This would be good as I have realized that I am a sham to my heritage. All I can make properly is Pancit, a noodle dish that is pretty much the easiest thing to make. My goal is to learn to cook like my mother, the best cook ever, and be able to fix things and make measurements just by eye-balling it.
9) Lose weight. Doesn't it seem to not be a resolution list without one that holds weight? Right? Did you see what I did there? Puns used to be on my list to get rid of since that horrible experience in class, but I decided against it. I replaced it with trying to lose weight so there!
10) Keep up with the blog. As we've seen, I can become a horrendous, hopelessly defeated mess when it comes to things, and I don't want that to happen with this blog! No. I won't be distracted by other things I won't!
11) Try to step out of your tastes in music and books and movies. This has always been on my list of things to do as far as life goals are concerned. There are references to pop culture I don't understand, but play off nicely* and I want to be able to have proper opinions and actual knowledge of it.
12) Reconsider the idea of being "normal." That's interesting isn't it? I've strived to play off being myself for a really long time, and I'm starting to either A) grow into myself, B) be too lazy pretending to be normal, or C) have realized that everyone around me is just as abnormal and I love them for it. So who cares if "weird" is what comes to mind when my friends and family want to describe me? Oh, I still do. It's on my list. I'm working on it!
*By which I mean I say noncommittal things to statements like "Jimmy Hendirx was a god!" with "Oh yeah, he really lit that guitar on fire!"