

Welcome to That Girl George.  A daily guide to relieve some of the mental stress brought on by those lovely awkward moments in my daily life.

First thing is to admit that you have a problem: Hi, I'm George and things just happen.

(This is your cue to say hi back...but you don't have to of course.  It's completely voluntary.  I also can't hear you because this is a blog.)

I mean well.  Many of my friends and near acquaintances will tell you how often an awkward memory will just pop-up in my head, and I'll have to say a few soothing words to myself to make it go away.  Of course, this means I talk to myself, which creates this loop of awkward situations begetting awkward situations.  The spiral is certainly out of control by now.

Yes, I do know that this problem arises from a certain vanity about myself and my actions (ie: believing that people even care).  I've come to a small realization that they don't, but those memories just keep a'comin'.

So relish, cringe, and laugh along with my neuroticism.  I'm hoping it will just be that funny story later.