
January 22, 2013

you work at home and you have a barking dog

I started my first day at the website job with a phone meeting, and, of course, Evie--or Evee as I'm want to refer to her as--needed to be heard too.  The conversation went something like...

Me: So how do I do this very important thing?
Boss: Oh it's super easy.  All you do is--
Me: I'm sorry. I have a dog.
Boss (unhearing): and you just--
Evee: bark! BAARK!

I'm not sure if my boss simply didn't hear the overly enthusiastic dog vying for attention from yours truly.  Despite my best efforts to find doggie treats in the pantry--Evee was really excited at this move, and followed me, quiet--I came up for naught, which upset her even more, resulting in more barking.

I tried giving her a handful of her dog food, but that was a big cheat, which she let me know.

So was tackling her to the ground and trying to distract her with belly rubs.

Unappeased, I got to the end of the instructions with...

Boss: Super easy right?
Me (breathless from trying to tackle my loud dog): Super!  I just think it would be easier once I get the log-in.
Boss: Oh of course.  I'll show you again in person later.
Me: Sounds great.

And--whew--that's how I got through that.