I went into work dressed as Sherlock Holmes today! Complete with deerstalker hat and pipe, which I tied around my neck for optimum visual correlation. So all of this complete with a houndstooth skirt, sweater, ridiculous knee high socks, and crime-stalking loafers, made me set for solving mysteries with the powers of deduction! Huzzah! Only. I tend to dress weird anyway, or dress with a persona, so my brilliantly thought out costume* was pretty much missed by mostly by everyone. I mean, my boss's husband was around the store putting up Christmas decorations all day, and I worked half the day with my other coworker, both of them didn't realize I was what I was wearing was an attempt** at a costume.
I actually got a few customers who asked where I got my hat from. And, in retrospect, I can understand why they seemed confused when I told them that I got it at Party City.
Kenny, my boss' hubby and also co-owner of the store, just thought I was wearing some fashionable hat. This also explains why he kept making comments about how funny my hat was for having two brims. He eventually got it when I was talking to him, and I put the pipe in my mouth***. Like a light bulb, his face brightened with recognition and pointed at me. "You're like Sherlock Holmes!"
Hat on head. Pipe in mouth. Excellent deduction. We do him proud.
*I actually almost forgot about it being Halloween. Good thing, Pamela hangs her deerstalker hat near her door or I would've been normal today.
**A stupendous attempt at that!
***I found myself doing this often, despite the fact that the pipe wasn't real and didn't blow bubbles.
I guess I dress so out of the box usually, that a deerstalker and a pipe necklace is just acceptable for me.