Yet again, another Tuesday without a post. Mostly because I was busy standing in line all day for the Arctic Monkeys. In our zealousness to get a good spot in the venue, I started waiting around 11 A.M. and left after the concert around 12 A.M. Concerts are a test of character really.
So yes, I spent my entire Tuesday pointed towards one goal, and that was to hear the Arctic Monkeys-- possibly meet the Arctic Monkeys, but I'm too nervous to even try that again. There are actually plenty of embarrassing moments from this particular concert experience, all of which can be fodder for future posts since I know I'll sing my name to myself one day because one of these pesky memories will just pop up.
This was a great concert experience. I met a lot of amazing people who were just as enthusiastic about the Arctic Monkeys as we are! A lot of them crossed state borders to get there too, and that always ups my respect for you in my book.
The Squawkward moment happened whilst in the venue. I was leaning against the riot gate right in front of the stage and started to feel really ill. This could possibly be from the long wait, the lack of water intake during the day, or just a general queasiness about concerts--Sam akins the wait to the first day of school.
I kept resting my head down on the bar--germs be damned!--because I felt so dizzy, so I ended up buying an overpriced water bottle at the bar. Only I didn't know that the bartender nicely opened the bottle for me, so when I was hanging my arms down the riot gate, the bottle dropped from my fingers. And it was open. It was openly pouring out under the stage onto a power strip, which was hooked up to the mic stand above.
I started to worry. The people around me drunkenly assured me that this would have no affect on the heavy chords and if it did they would not be mad, much. Oh. Good.
I kept gesturing to one of the heavy bouncers, who kept shaking his head at me when I gestured towards my water bottle. I didn't want the water back. I just wanted him to kick it away from all of that important electrical wiring. He finally came over and kicked it away but really reluctantly. This should mean that it's his fault if anything went wrong.
But being me, I just kept singing my name really quietly, putting my head down on the barrier--feeling better though because worry was quenching the ill, dizzy feeling I had. It didn't help that the sound was a bit off for some key songs and that I couldn't make out the singing sometimes.
I can imagine the roadies cleaning everything up and packing it all away and realizing that that was why the sound was so crummy. The chords were all wet.
That girl. I'm that girl who ruined the concert. Hey Alex Turner, it was my fault that you were almost electrified!
Alex Turner shocks at concert? Alex Turner sparks new wave on music scene? There's too many good cheesy headlines out of that.