I work in a consignment shop, so all the clothes, shoes, and house goods are gently used and the customers don't mind.
Which leads to me carrying a bunch of clothes past our shoe rack, where one of our customers stopped to compliment me on my shoes I was wearing that day. She had a lot of nice things to say about my shoes actually. Kept saying how cute they were. That's not weird, right? I thanked her and told her where I bought them. She smiled and nodded along.
Well then she asked me what size I wore. I guess my shoes made my feet look small and attractive. I told her that and gave a small anecdote on how hard it is to find my size sometimes.
Then she said that we wore the same size. That's pretty weird. I hypothesized that maybe we were the average, so we were bound to run into one another.
She gave me a once over, looking me up and down, waiting for a reply. I didn't have anything to say to that, so I waited for her to break the silence. Maybe? Hopefully?
She just kept looking me up and down, not saying a thing. So I gave a reflexed giggle, took a couple of steps in my cute shoes, and walked away.
I hid in the baby clothes until I was sure she left.