I just realized today that I have a purse obsession. No one really needs these many bags, unless, that is, you are going on a large trip and want to pack single shirts in their own personal luggage, some of which can only hold a glove or two. Today's events really highlighted my vice for me.
I left early to head to the bank for work and to grab lunch at the Publix nearby. I took my time getting ready, opting not to wash my hair. This gave me more time to pick out my clothes, and while vein, I take pleasure from trying to figure out what I'm going to wear. This might also be where everything went wrong. I changed purses.
Stupid me for stupidly trying to look cool today. When I went to check out at Publix I didn't have my wallet, and having such a big, stupid purse, it was hanging all open and loose for the entire world to see my feminine products and water bottles just hanging out* while I searched for my damn wallet.
Refusing to admit defeat, I asked the nice cashier man if I could grab my wallet from my car. He was easy going about it, but when I went back to my car (I knew in my heart of hearts that it wasn't there), I was only mildly panicky when it wasn't there. I had to head back inside and explain (the thought of just booking it out of there being highly attractive).
I had to go home, then come back, wait in a longer line, and ended up ten minutes late for work when I left thirty minutes early in the first place.
Look at my choices. Look at what they lead to.
*once you decide to hold your purse open by one side, the other side just flops open, exposing itself and its contents. You feel like a dog with one of those sticks with a hanging bone on it: you can't really grasp everything in your purse, but you're going to try!