You are mistaken for a Spanish speaker while at work. A man who clearly only speaks Spanish approaches you and asks you how much a pair of earrings are.
You, not wanting him to continue thinking that you are a Spanish speaker, start to tell him that you don't speak Spanish but that the earrings are a dollar. You attempt your high school Spanish and tell him that it is uno dollares, though that sounds made up to you.
He doesn't understand and you start to think you made up Spanish, so your boss comes over and asks what's going on? You tell her that he wants to know the price of the earrings but that you don't naturally speak Span-- Your boss cuts you off and tries to help you out. She counts in Spanish. Then a woman comes over and asks what you need help with. You start to say how you don't speak Spanish because you are not Sp-- and your boss finishes it for you. The woman translates for you, and you thank her, thinking now you can say that you don't speak it, but everyone leaves.
As your boss checks him out, he keeps pointing at you and shaking his head. Clearly he is disappointed because you don't speak the language of your people. He tells you so later on.
But you know, in your heart of hearts, that you don't speak the language of your people anyway, but Spanish isn't the language of your people. Tagalog is.