Evie, my sheltie puppy (if you do not know what a sheltie is, it is a collie with a stunted legs. If you're really interested, look here for an image) is quite odd.
I'm pretty sure she has abandonment issues. She doesn't like to be left alone in a room or the house really. She's always in the way of people, and we're constantly tripping over her when we're cooking or dancing or generally just walking around the house. She lacks attention.
It's weird because she also hates it when you call her ugly. I used to think it was the inflection of out voices and I have tested out calling her ugly with different happy voices, but she growls or curls up into her paws when she hears that she's ugly. To counteract the damage I've done with that experiment, I have taken to calling her pretty in all manners of inflection, and this makes her happy. Too happy really, because then she thinks we're best friends and that I want her to be in my grill as I watch Project Runway.
She has also taken up a neurotic habit of licking her paws* raw, which we think comes from her abandonment issues.
The weird thing is sitting at a table during my sister's birthday lunch and having the table agree that Evie has picked up her neuroses from me! Everyone was nodding and agreeing and laughing and shooting me looks then laughing more.
I mean I know I raised her from a puppy, but I don't lick my hands raw!
*Turns out my dog had a skin infection**!
**She's getting better