I used to think I was a relatively good dancer. I even have an hour or so dedicated to "Georgette Personal Dance Time" when I'm by myself in the house. I'll blast Single Ladies and shimmy and jump around to my heart's content.
So when we went to Zumba for the first time ever, I thought I'd be pretty okay.
But man is it hard. I mean there are parts of me that just don't have natural rhythm, like my shoulders or my feet. Those are key places to have rhythm! There are moments when I was going the opposite way, almost being smacked in the face, or generally just standing there lost as everyone dances around me. There are soccer moms (not that there's anything wrong with soccer moms) booty shaking better than me! All those times in the club for naught I s'pose.
I'm a beat off or a beat too soon, I'm stepping the wrong foot forward and get lost going back. It's not that bad, really. You just have those moments of feeling like an idiot when everyone's in sync.
They don't show those on commercials for these big gyms. Everyone's so well choreographed. That lost Asian girl in the center, a beat off, or making up her own dance, isn't there.
I'd appreciate it if they added her. Much more realistic.