
March 12, 2013

you make a mess

Dear Past Georgette,

We need to talk.  I understand that you’re in a hurry some mornings, and that issues* sometimes occur, but please stop leaving the entire contents of our closet on our bed.  It’s so annoying to come back home, tired and ready to sink into our mattress and pillows, only to be hindered by your actions.  It’s very inconvenient, and it results in clothes on the floor, which Future Georgette will have to clean later, and I really don’t want to read and write a letter from her later.


Present Georgette (unless I’m reading this later. Then again by the time I’ve gotten to the end of this sentence, this signature is dated)

*Such as everything in your closet simply not working for you, like your body's physical shape just rejects all of the clothes you own.