I'm never at my best when I run into people I used to know. But sometimes, I relish it.
Like when Judy and I were leaving the Mexican restaurant with out boss. My small town cherishes Mexican restaurants. Everyone is there on a Friday night, for some reason. We finally got so many stank eyes for dawdling at our table from the people standing by the door, that we decided to get away, and who do I run into at the door right when I'm about to leave but James from high school?
Easily, noncommittally, and quickly, I tap him on the shoulder to say "hi!" I'm almost out the door too, right behind Judy, only when I say this, she backtracks a bit to see who I was talking to--backtracking right into me, so my moment of ease is changed into forced, "it-was-great-to-see-you-we-should-hang-out-some-time?" while you push your friend out the glass door.
It's good to know that I'm not the only awkward person, or that it's not my fault sometimes.
It's Judy's.