
October 7, 2011

you just want to bring your smoothie with you

I was trying to get onto the bus, I even got to be the coveted first person on board when it pulled to the stop.  I was simply putting in my card into the reader, when the bus driver stopped me.

Apparently I couldn't bring my smoothie on board with me.

The fact that it was bequeath to me by royalty clearly meant nothing to Mr. Busdriver Man.  The woman in the front advised me to take out the straw, and I seriously considered this as a viable option.  Then Mr. Busdriver Man said no that didn't make a difference.  I made an exaggerated sad face and decided that the best option was to get off the throw it away, but when I turned around, the line behind me was quite long and people were already stepped inside the bus right after me.

I asked the man behind me if there was a garbage can on the sidewalk, but he couldn't see one--neither could any of the first ten people.  I was trying to figure out a way to squeeze past, when he kindly decided to take my cup from me and find me a garbage can.

When I finally got leeway to go through, one of my bus mates joked how I wasted all that whiskey in my foam cup.  Everyone just laughed, and I headed to the back to curl into the fetal position.