I'm not very great at making friends. I seem to lack that social skill that most have when it comes to small talk or any basic societal niceties. It's always really hard when a new person gets hired at work because of this. I decide that I will try to act normal and not expose my weirdness to them yet, but my lack of grace just spews out unwarranted.
So in showing the new girl the ropes today, I opted for trying to be normal. Now I know that in the moral of sitcoms, teenage dramadies, and many other after school specials, you're supposed to be true to yourself and not put on a facade, but--yeah I don't have a good enough reason for it other than that I want to seem normal(-y).
Fat lot of good that did me today. Excessive apologies and no rhyme or reason to how I explain things other than "Oh I forgot to say--!"
Just natural Georgette Awkwardness.
Oh and it's my birthday! Woot woot!