
May 29, 2013

you circle a building.

I circled an entire convention center perimeter today, looking for the entrance. And every stupid step forward I kept telling myself, "this clearly has to be the entrance right here!  Dang it!"

Nothing.  Just more brick or cement or a homeless man.  I was beginning to feel like Achilles trying to get into Troy or Bim-Bim Pip-Pip, Pam's hamster, as he tried to navigate through a maze we constructed made of stacked VHS' and Barbie furniture.  This venture ended when a stack fell sideways, nearly crushing dear Bim-Bim Pip-Pip, the most athletic, sausage-like hamster who ever lived.

You know what?  Convention centers are big.  Like really big.  They have to house the future of whatever convention you're holding inside as well as bathrooms, so I suppose that this is to be expected.  But, man, are they huge.  And circling an entire one?  Le sigh.

At one point, a taxi pulled alongside me, as I continued to trudge, and asked if I wanted a ride.  I thought of the scene in A Knight's Tale when they fall upon Chaucer.  Maybe it's the proud walk sentiment.

I waved him off (the taxi, not Chaucer), wearily optimistic, but even then I was still an entire block off the entrance.  Up a hill.  In the sun.  Both ways.  I mean, I eventually found it, but like a simpering miss, I kept on walking because, well, you see...I didn't actually register for the convention.

There.  It's out.  I just wanted to see if I could glean anything from being around the place, okay?  Or maybe stumble on something cool.  Besides, you'd be surprised.  I mean, the general floor I was too wimpy to even attempt, but there was plenty I didn't need a badge for.  And no one bothered me as I walked around the food court or the entrance area where a few new products sat.  I got a catalog too, because those were just on the table near the door.

Granted, I think I could actually register that day and get access to more things, but I couldn't pay up that much for a ticket on a whim.  Besides I actually had work for the rest of the week, and I did get to go around a bit and see what people were going to see. I also sputtered, like a fool, to a few people who were setting up about the event.

So I didn't really get to go to the convention, though I did walk a good amount of avenues to get there, and then mistakenly circled the entire place to find the front door, only to just browse for a bit before I had work.

That's dedication, you know.