
April 22, 2013

you take a vacation.

I've been thinking a lot about why I write this blog.  What started out as a way for me to attempt to cope with awkward situations and for me to grow more comfortable with myself has turned into a diary of my day, much like Doug Funnie.

Many of my goals tend to pattern after Doug actually, like I want to be a loyal diarist, I want to like liver and onions, and I want to be able to wear sweater vests with t-shirts like there's no tomorrow.  So far, I've sort of accomplished two of those things.  I am still on the look out for a proper sweater vest.

The fun thing about this attempt to blog everyday is how it's taught me to tell my stories or how I want to reveal jokes.  Or my attempt at making a good joke.

The other fun thing about a blog everyday is that it's taught me to set aside time to write everyday, and while that's sometimes true when I sit down to write a story, I can easily stop and excuse myself with a lack of inspiration, when I sometimes mean I just can't bother to fix my characters' problems.

I am rambling about how much you mean to me, Blog, because I'm going to take a vacation from you.  I'm sorry.  Don't feel inadequate.  It's me, not you.  I just need a break to reevaluate us.

Oh.  This was a lot harder than I thought.

Don't fret.  It's just a week, and I'm sure when I come back, I'll feel rested and rejuvenated for you.

So, Blog, I love you a lot.  I will always care for you, but I think it's best that we take this week apart just to test the waters a little and really think about ourselves.

I'm sorry.

You'll always be my Blog.

Too much?  Basically, don't expect posts for the week.  I'll see you Monday next!  I have a wedding this Sunday, so I guess you can expect a post on that.

Feeling: Inspired. Listening: Bromheads' Gonna Make You Melt.