
April 18, 2013

you say "yes."

Whether it is out of desperation or maybe to seem more cosmopolitan, I've been saying "yes" to a lot of things since I moved.

Such as, "yes, I'll go grab a coffee with you perfect stranger" or "I would like a table at this tea shoppe I just wandered into" all of which I'd probably say no to if I were Two Weeks Ago Georgette.  The tea shoppe was almost a fiasco, because I just walked in to see what it was, and in five minutes, they seated me with a menu that had no prices.  Being Park Avenue, I went into palpitations of worry, ordering blindly so not to look ungrateful (everyone was so nice!) but minimally.

It was ten dollars for a pot of tea and two scones, if you were wondering.  Hardly highway robbery, though I got an entire bagel and soup around my apartment for three bucks to put it into context.

This New Georgette Mentality (NGM) is the reason why I ended up at a Zumba class.  One of my aunt's friends is this big gym goer, and when she asked if I would like to join her for Zumba and maybe Pilates, I NGM said, "yes."

Oh?  Dance class in a mirrored studio in New York?  This was expectation:

This was reality:

At one point, I just had to make up my own dance moves and just keep going and laugh, despite the fact that the instructor kept looking at me in the mirror.  It was getting pretty ridiculous.

The gym itself is interesting.  You have to go downstairs and greet a guy who looks like Train's lead singer (Jeff?  Carl?  What's that guy's name?) with a leather jacket and thick black glasses.  He doesn't look like the type to support fitness and exercise, if I'm honest, but he's an uncomfortable business man, who pretty much glosses over my attempts at niceties and Southern charm.  He just wants to sell me a membership really.  Surprisingly, I've said "no" to the membership the past times I've run into him.

I wondered at this NGM today, when I started out.  Sometimes a thought will pop into my head, suggesting I visit Tiffany's or The American Girl Place, and immediately, I'll tell myself "yes, who don't you?"  So off I go!  Wandering but no really lost.  I guess it doesn't help that my job's pretty loose on location.

So when do I stop?  When does it become indulgence rather than being a proactive new New Yorker?

I guess when I've seen everything I needed to.   Or at least, until I've turned into a Norm in one of these bakeries or cafes I keep visiting.

Or maybe until I get fat from all of these bakeries I'm visiting?

Photo via Let's Graph. Found here.

Live Journal Mood: Sleepy. Music: The Good Mad's Bird in Another Tree.