
March 6, 2013

you're the object of yellow fever

Once, at a party, a guy started telling me how much he loved Asian girls, and, as if on cue, his cell phone went off, playing the Oriental Riff.  There was a stalled moment where his eyes widened with what I assumed was embarrassment, but it actually invigorated his cause.  He laughed, talking about what great timing, as if I needed proof of his preference.  I stalked off as he retold the story to the kitchen at large.

I'm never sure what I'm supposed to do when people tell me that they have a preference for Asians or when people try to set me up with someone because he has "a thing" for Asians.  Is that thing imperialism?

Then, when these set-ups or when the person hitting on me doesn't work out, I sort of question my Asian-ness, like on a scale from Hello Kitty to peace-signed hands in a tourist photo, where did I fail in their version of Asian*?

Oh well.  Can't a girl just dream that a guy will say, I have "a thing" for your witty repartee and your Doctor Who references?

*now they have me stereotyping myself