Okay, so maybe this doesn't count as an awkward moment for the blog because it technically wasn't me and it also wasn't awkward because it's Jennifer Lawrence, but hey! I want to incorporate my infatuation for her in some way over here, and titling this "you have an unhealthy crush on Jennifer Lawrence" creeped me out and made me feel guilty.
So how amazing is Jennifer Lawrence? I mean, not many people can get away with this fall and still have that sincere adorableness afterwards. I had to make myself stop YouTubing clips of her Oscar speech and interviews because it's seriously becoming a problem. I akin it to finding out that I've eaten an entire bag of potato chips on my own. I can't account for the passing of time, but I remember sitting down to this purpose.
Seriously. If there is any way to make me stop replaying and sharing YouTube videos of her and her interviews with Josh Hutcherson, I need it, because I should be doing productive things, like writing lit. reviews or resizing images for newsletters.
At the same time, there's so little joy in life, I should grab it when I can, like watching her reaction to this:
I am extremely jealous of how quickly cool she reacted to that. How often can you say that you joked right back at the right time? Granted, Jack Nicholson had the last creep in, but her reaction was classic. If Alex Turner had said something like that to me, I would be all whispers and puppy trembles.
The sad part about my Jennifer Lawrence crush is how late it's come. Like meeting One Direction in person and not knowing who these oddly well-groomed people were, I almost ran into Jennifer Lawrence when she was on set for X-Men First Class. She was filming a scene with James McAvoy, and while trying to sneak around, we were a foot away from the pair of them, and I had no idea who she was!
Great. Just great universe. You win, yet again*.
*I am so tired of playing with you universe. It's really unfair.