Mismatching one's socks isn't usually a big deal. It's usually this personal secret you can have all day and no one need know.
Only that doesn't happen when you're at the airport. At the airport, they expose* you and your feet. I just always forget that.
Sam was getting her ID and boarding pass checked, when I realized it. I started to complain.
Sam: You always forget!
Me: I know. I'm just always surprised.
Sam gets her boarding pass checked.
Me: One day when I take my shoes off here, my socks will match.
Sam accepted this statement naturally, but the security woman just started to laugh and kept looking at me. funny. She took a moment to look at my ID too, and when this happened, I crouched to her level as she was sitting in a low stool and smiled**.
I don't know why she thought it was so funny though. Goals are important to have in life.
*I honestly don't know what the protocol for those things are, but they seem are unfair.
**This might have been creepier than I meant for it to be.