
September 28, 2011

you're trying to play it cool

Today has to be one of the best days ever.  After spending my entire features class thinking my professor hated my most recent story, I find out that I got a pretty high grade, which, in his words, he doesn't give too often.  I'm squealing on the inside right now.

So after the positive critique, I was pretty much blown away as to how to react.  It's sort of like opening birthday presents as everyone watches you.  Christmas isn't too bad because everyone else has a present to worry over, but birthdays are the worst.  You're really on show then, and you really need to sell your appreciation.  That's what I wanted to do, to thank my professor for all the great feedback, but I mostly came up with something like, "So, where does this chair go back?"  And I picked up the chair I pulled up to the desk and proceeded to walk around the room with it.

I exaggerate.  I only walked it across the desk length and a sort of row but still.  He just stood there and kept saying it was fine.

That didn't even bother me.  I was just that happy about my feature being taken so well.

Really, really great day.