
September 7, 2011

you're never going to be a journalist

It was when I was sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor, looking down at the ground, crumpling my hair around my head, that I realized that I could have a problem.

My mom was at the stove asking me quite nicely what was wrong (and getting angrier and angrier the more I lacked a proper response*).  Pam was feeding Evie since she, Evie, has a cone on her head and has trouble getting to her bowl, and she, Pam, was telling me that it wasn't a big deal.

Ironically, all of this neuroticism came from an interview with a psychiatrist.

Yes, one of the psychiatrists called me back!  And while I was over the moon, I was also very unprepared when he called.  I was actually chillin' on facebook, writing a long letter to my friend Jill.  It really could've been worst I guess.  So when the doctor called, I had no questions for him to answer!  That sucked.

I just pulled up the questions I asked the psychology undergrad and grad students, who were the only people I could find to speak to me, and started there.  But they were really dumb questions, and I felt like I was disappointing him with my Psych 101 basic need to knows.  I could hear how he was trying to steer me in the proper direction.

Then I realized that he was a psychiatrist, so I started to panic more.  Then I just wanted the interview to end, so I wrapped it up rather abruptly.

Guess how long that was?  It took 15 minutes.  Less than that at least, but I'm padding to make myself feel better.  A 15 minute interview is not something you should have when you have an assignment or any sort of in depth story.  Gosh.

Why am I getting worked up just retelling this?

Anywho, this is why I was on the kitchen floor in a puddle of embarrassment, singing my name to the Ponyo song**.  At one point, Pamela turned to me, and said in a way that she meant to be helpful, "Maybe you should stick to creative writing rather than journalism."

Maybe she's right.

*Improper response like...
   Mom: What's wrong?
   Me: Eh...Urgh!  Georgette Georgette!

**As seen in the above footnote, "Georgette Georgette" is me inserting my name into the Ponyo song.
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