
June 21, 2013

you're done.

I have decided that that this was going to my last blog post.  Yeah.  I know.  I'm calling it quits.

And I don't feel defeated or sad or like I'm running away from my problems, which this blog has really made me think about.  I'm doing it out of a sheer "it's time to move on" mindset.

Granted we've been off and on for a while, blog, and more recently, off.  That should've been my first clue.  My second clue should've been the fact that I started thinking of other blogs on the side. I've been mentally cheating on you!

June 20, 2013

you make a call or twenty.

I had to do a lot of phone calling today.  There was a time in my life when this was actually rather frightening.  I remember freaking out once when I called my mother at work and a man answered.  I was seven or so, and the fact that the phone betrayed me was a big deal.  I remember slamming the receiver down and running out of the room as if the guy on the other end could see me.

It took me about a week to even attempt it again.

June 19, 2013

your green is showing.

I'm very much ashamed at how little I know of geography, and being in New York, I'm terrible at it.  It was made apparent to me today as me and one of my new found friends were leaving book club to head to trivia.  I told her that we could do the trains, to which, she asked, where did I think we were in Manhattan?

She held up her rectangular wallet, and I pointed where I thought I was.  She shook her head, laughing as she pointed in the opposite, downtown direction.

I'm really wrong a lot of the times.

I'm especially wrong when I'm walking around, trying to get the right train.  Or just telling where I am. My sense of direction is terrible, and I guess I've been relying more on my iPhone and memory than actually learning how to get somewhere.

It happened again as we were leaving trivia.  Our train wasn't running, so we had to go to the busy Time Square stop to catch a different one.  As we went through the crowd of tourists, and as my friend spoke ill about all of the people stopping, I agreed, murmuring similar hatred towards tourists as they stopped to take pictures.

But I plum stopped in front of her as we grabbed out train.  I was confused over the lines, telling her that this line usually goes out to Manhattan, not Queens.  She explained the shuttle to me, and politely walked around me to show me where to stand.

Oh, Georgette.  Please stop pretending that you know what you're doing and just frankly admit that you have no idea where you're going.  At least, in that way, you can play it off.

June 18, 2013

you have your cake.

Suffice it to say, I'm listening to Soul Decision's "Faded" as I write this.

Haha, so days of not posting because of psychological crises and nostalgia and that's what I come up with as an opening.  You deserve more, blog.  You really deserve more.

June 13, 2013

you don't have many pictures of yourself.

Have you met this man, blog?  This is Jack.  Jack is my traveling companion.  He's sort of my substitute when I want to take a picture, but I don't want one of me.  He's what pops up in my photos, when I'm trying to find a suitable picture of me to use in my new internship.

I realized quite recently that I don't have many photos of myself.  And the photos that I do have are usually of me doing something campy or jokey.  I'm usually not smiling straight at the camera, posed normally, and even if I am, I'm usually tilted to the side as if I'm dancing or swaying.  In the few pictures of me actually smiling at the camera, I'm wearing sunglasses or carrying Jack.

So what does this say about me?  Well, it's hardly a revelation, but I hate taking pictures of myself.

I can honestly say that I feel comfortable to take a picture when I'm wearing sunglasses because I think my eyes look tired all the time.  I know that I joke around or hold Jack because I really hate posing in front of a lens.  My shoulders always tilt because I honestly can't take a proper picture seriously.  I'd rather it be just "ta-da" take the picture already, this is terrible waiting for you while I smile!

So it took me a while to find a good picture of me for my new internship, and I'm actually not happy with the one I ended up with.  My arms are crossed over my chest as I shrug.  I'm actually not the main focus for the photographer.  I just spotted that I was in the darn thing when I desperately combed through my photo albums.  I sent it in because of a lack of options.

I'm sure this says a lot about my character.  I just know it.

June 12, 2013

you're back (back again).

I'm sorry, blog, for the lack of posts! got a new charger, and I reevaluated life.  Lots have happened since that fateful night I realized that my charger was in two broken metal pieces, and the day I got a new one, I felt rejuvenated myself. Or at least, it seemed like it.  I had to write these drafts for this internship I was angling for, Coyote Ugly was playing in the background, and I had a fancy coffee.

So yes, I may have walked down the glass staircase at the Fifth Avenue Apple Store with a skirt on.  I may be sick, yet again.  I might still be on page one of my short story for the story contest due next week.  And, okay, I have been remiss on updating you, blog.

But I have a new charger.  And I have a determined, positive outlook on things right now, despite my sore throat.

I also have a purse full of candy and a party to look forward to on Saturday.  I guess I'll just focus on the little things to keep going.

I'm not sure where this illustration is from, but in Google searching, it's either from here or here.  Hopefully, that's the right attribution.  If not, please drop me a comment to let me know!

June 8, 2013

your computer is whack.

No full post today. My computer cord is broken, and my laptop is on low battery.

This is having negative effects on me. I'm sad for some reason. Mainly because it's reminding me how old my computer is and I'm coming to realize it's mortality.

Consider this simple issue successfully made into a mountain.